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TISE Conference


We are students of the TISE master's program, which stands for Transition, Innovation, and Sustainability Environments. At the heart of the program is the exploration of transitions and innovation within complex human-environment systems. This involves integrating Systems Science, Socio-Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, and the impact of Technology on contemporary societies. To address pressing societal issues, we annually organize a conference that facilitates analysis, reflection, and the generation of actionable ideas. Here you will find all the information about this effort. Enjoy!

Our logo


The earthworm called Wormy represents strategic thinking, patience, ambition and positive. This is how we see ourselves and what we hope you will notice. This, in our opinion, perfectly shows what qualities you need to have in order to achieve your goals.

The worm breaks through the wall and this is an important aspect that we want to draw your attention to. We believe that solving global problems requires an innovative approach. We need to break through walls without hoping to find more convenient ways. We believe this shows our spirit and our ambitions that we have put into this conference.

But what is hiding behind the worm? Technologies. An integral part of our life today. We are inextricably linked with them, and we also linked our land with them. We hope you catch the association. We did this and we are responsible for it. 

We used blue and red for a reason.

The color red symbolizes danger, urgency and at the same time success. It is bright, sharp and paradoxical. The current problems are urgent, and we hope that in this way we have managed not only to attract attention, but also to convey an emotion that can influence the adoption of an important decision, namely participation in our conference.

Blue is the color of our life - water and sky. Since ancient times, it personifies kindness and honesty. And along with the color red, aggressive and daring, we want to show our commitment to the environment, to the earth, to life. We believe that only through joint efforts, sincere desire and love for our land we can achieve success.


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